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5 - 7 March 2024   |  Naarm

 Elevating grassroots solutions to prevent Indigenous suicide

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First Nations grassroots organisations across Australia are implementing truly impressive, culturally safe trauma informed suicide prevention initiatives that are actively working to prevent suicides within communities. We acknowledge that our communities know what works best for them in addressing/preventing suicide. We have witnessed and highlighted this important work at our previous conferences in 2023 and 2022.


The 2024 Indigenous Suicide Prevention Forum provides a platform for everyone who works within this challenging but essential sector to share their initiatives, tell their stories, ask questions of each other and form partnerships. 


The Australian Indigenous Psychologists’ Association looks forward to welcoming you in Naarm.  


Vanessa Edwige
Chair, AIPA

Gold Partner


Silver Partner

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Bronze Partners

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2024 Forum Committee Members

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Vanessa Edwige 

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Kim Mullholand Cultural and Spiritual Wellbeing, Practitioner/Advisor, Founder


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Prof. Gracelyn Smallwood

Adjunct Professor 
James Cook University, University of Queensland (Forum Elder)

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Kelleigh Ryan 
The Seedling Group

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Prof. Pat Dudgeon Professor of  
Indigenous Studies and Project Director

CBPATSISP and University of Western Australia 

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Leda Barnett Research Fellow,  
The Hopkins Centre
Griffith University

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Thara Brown 
General Manager (Programs)
Culture is Life

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Belinda Duarte 
Chief Executive Officer

Culture is Life

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Tahnee McBean Clinical Lead of Family Counselling Services 
Victorian Aboriginal Health Service (VAHS)

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Shannon McNeair


McNeair Aboriginal Psychological Services

Featured Speakers

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Professor Pat Dudgeon

Professor of Indigenous Studies and Project Director

​Centre for Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention, University of Western Australia

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Rachel Fishlock

Chief Executive Officer

Gayaa Dhuwi

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Dr. Mark Standing Eagle Baez

Assistant Professor of Counseling and Clinical Psychology

​Bemidji State University & the President-elect for the Society of Indian Psychologists

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Donna Stanley

Executive Manager Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing

​Western NSW Primary Health Network

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Marjorie Anderson

National Manager


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Joe Williams

Chief Executive Officer

The Enemy Within - Suicide Prevention and Mental Health & Wellbeing Education

On-Country Healing Day
7 March
Healing through Connection to Land, Water, and Sky

Connection to Country is an integral aspect of mental, spiritual and physical wellness for many First Nations people. Land, water, and sky are the mouthpieces through which community can connect with ancestors and culture. Facilitating opportunities to connect to Country are an important aspect of many grassroots suicide prevention programs, and it is similarly important for suicide prevention workers to take the time to draw strength from country. 


That is why this year, the Suicide Prevention Forum will be taking its workshop day onto country, allowing attendees to learn the history and culture of this special corner of Australia, in a location that will soothe the eyes and heal the soul.  


Furthermore, you will learn how you can transfer the healing that you will experience into your own communities and suicide prevention programs. This is also a great way to consolidate what you have learned at the two-day forum, and to continue networking with your peers in a more relaxed and intimate setting.


Who Should Attend?

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Why Attend?


Take inspiration from numerous case studies of culture-based healing programs happening in communities across Australia


Increase your capacity to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people to heal and build resilience


Bridge the gaps between research and practice, and between policy and grassroots action


Participate in cultural and healing activities such as trauma-informed yoga, weaving and grounding body work


Understand the important role of social determinants such as incarceration rates in suicide rates in First Nations communities


Engage in conversations and solutions to build the capacity and reach of suicide prevention efforts in remote Australia

“What an important event, thank you for creating a safe space to talk about such important issues facing our community.”

Indigenous Healing Practitioner, First Nations Healing



Pullman Melbourne Albert Park

Address: 65 Queens Rd, Albert Park VIC 3004

Meeting Room: Grand Ballroom


Location and Directions


Parking: Located beneath the hotel and accessible via Lorne Street, the car park has 400 parking bays. The rate is $40.00 per exit / or per 24 hours whichever occurs first.


Discounted accommodation rates have been arranged for conference attendees at the Pullman Melbourne Albert Park and Mercure Melbourne Albert Park.


Please book via this link:


Rates inclusive of breakfast

Pullman Melbourne Albert Park - AU$265 per room per night

Mercure Melbourne Albert Park - AU$185 per room per night


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